Debate Team Takes 9th at National Parliamentary Debate Tournament

The Sterling College Debate team recently returned from a multi-state tour of national tournaments. This marks the most successful debate season in Sterling’s school history with a 9th place finish in overall team sweepstakes at the National Parliamentary Debate Tournament, held in Colorado Springs, Colo., from March 16 through March 20 at The Colorado College.
This is the first time that Sterling College has ended the season in the top 25 teams in the nation. In addition to the top 10 finish, Sterling was also the top school in Kansas.
Contributing to the season’s success was Ryan Corwin of Sterling, Kan., Alex Lawhon-Bush of Halstead, Kan., Shelby Twiss of Garden City, Kan., Emily Graham of Hutchinson, Kan., Nolan Chaney of Hutchinson, Kan., Jessica Brayton of Lyons, Kan., Terrance Volden of Liberal, Kan., Cara Spencer of Lyndon, Kan, Fay Carey of Sterling, Kan., Melzora Towne of Sterling, Kan., David Bowers of Hutchinson, Kan., and Ryan McFarland of Hutchinson, Kan.