Summer Term Session Now Open to High School Students

This year Sterling College is opening its Summer Term session courses to high school students interested in obtaining college credits over the summer. Sterling will be offering a number of online courses during its Summer Term session from May 16-June 24.
By enrolling in these courses, high school students will not only begin preparing themselves for being a full-time college student, but also give themselves a chance to take some general education courses to lighten their load for when they do go to college. Sterling College hopes that offering these courses to high school students will help them build a firm foundation of college courses prior to becoming a college student. However, the courses are not limited to high school students. Anyone interested in taking a course is welcome to enroll.
The courses being offered this Summer Term session include History of World Civilization I, U.S. History I, College Composition, Introduction to Literature, Introduction to Old Testament, Introduction to New Testament, College Algebra. Principles of Biology (non-lab) will also be offered, but is a special 3 week course running from May 16-June 3. All courses will be offered in an online format.
Click here learn more information or to apply to Summer Term