
To uplift a positive, enthusiastic, creative, and gentlemen-like male force who lead by example, utilizing the rich traditions of - upstanding men residing within - Campbell Hall.


I. Instill brotherhood beginning within Campbell and moving out to the campus.

  1. Holding events that encourage community.
  2. Looking for opportunities to build community.

II. Establish a network of communication between students and officer.

  1. Making ourselves available as officers.
  2. Setting examples by creating meaningful dialogue.

Past Events

  • Campbell Kegger (Root Beer)
  • Campbell Open Mic. Night
  • Campbell Hall Movie Night


President- Jacob Blackwell


Class: Junior

Major: Biblical Studies, emphasis in the Old Testament

Goal: To create a strong brotherhood amongst the men not only in Campbell, but on campus.

Secretary- Patrick Wright


Class: Senior

Major: Theatre, emphasis in the Technical Theatre

Treasurer- Kyle Davis


Class: Senior

Major: Technical Theatre

Advisor - Scott McKinney


Resident Director of Campbell Hall