What is Life/Work Planning?

Life/work planning is an ongoing process that began before you came to Sterling College and will continue throughout much of your life. The process includes acquiring information about yourself and the world of work, having work experiences, and reflecting on these experiences as you plan your life and work. Life/work planning is about discerning your calling and preparing yourself to live it fully. The process requires you to identify your strengths, talents, skills, and to discern your spiritual gifts. Ideally, your passion in life can be matched with your life activities and work responsibilities. Sterling College is committed to supporting you in your life and work journey.

Who Can Support You?

Students' parents and friends can be a great source of information and guidance. Faculty advisors and the faculty in each major department are available to provide information, guidance, and help in locating field experiences and internships. The alumni and friends of Sterling College are willing to serve as contacts for students seeking internships and jobs. Finally, the Sterling College Career Services Office is a place where students can find information and guidance.

What Can You Expect from Sterling College?

Sterling College will provide the following life/work planning resources:

  • Faculty and staff members to advise and support you in your career planning
  • Workshops to develop skills in resume preparation, portfolio development, job searching, interviewing, and discerning your spiritual gifts and calling
  • Classes to help students gain self-understanding and skill development
  • Internet resources
  • Networking opportunities with College alumni and other professionals
  • Assistance in finding career-related experiences off campus and in arranging international experiences
  • Servant leadership skill development information and training across the curriculum
  • Recognition that parents and family are a part of the life/work planning process
  • Information and guidance from the Career Services Office

What is Your Action Plan?

An action plan will help you make decisions about your future work and how it will be integrated with other facets of your life. The goal areas and activities listed below can aid you in your planning. Although the lists are divided by college years, the activities are really a continuum of processes that will help you make better decisions.