Student Life
Residence Life
Residence halls are more than just places to eat and sleep. They are where you develop meaningful friendships, explore new ideas and get involved. The Residence Hall Staff cultivates an atmosphere where students grow personally, spiritually, socially, emotionally and culturally.
Welcome from the Student Life Office
Dear New Students and Families,
Douglas Men's Hall
Douglas Women's Hall
Douglas Men and Women's Halls are the first new residence halls since 1963 and the first new buildings since
Housing assignments will be located on your MySterling account. Once logged in click on ‘Students’ Tab and then ‘Residence Information’ Tab. If you have any questions regarding Housing, please contact Student Life Administrative Assistant, Tess Cannon at 620.278.4232
Click the images below to learn about the various dormitory options available to Sterling College students.
Male Dorms:
Meal Plans
If college is about sharing big ideas and discovering new people, then the Chartwells dining experience is the center of a vibrant academic life.
New Student Orientation
Sterling Dollar General stocks most items a student might need, including linens and personal toiletries. New students are encouraged to complete Personal Property Identification sheets at move-in which include model and identification numbers of electronics.
Suggested Items:
Mission Trip Blogs
Keep up with their adventures by following the blogs below! Learn more about SC mission trips.