Student Life
Emergency Information
In the case of an emergency facing the Sterling College campus, this space will be used to provide timely information for students, parents, faculty, staff, and other members of the College family. It will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.
Care Packet Ideas
Sending care packages to your student is one of the nicest things you can do. Receiving a package in the mail not only will make your student the envy of the residence hall, but it will also let them know you care. There are many times when a small gift can brighten up a bad day, a bad grade or a bad situation.
Cookies, granola bars, chocolate, macaroni and cheese, candy, dried fruit and nuts, soup, cereal, microwave popcorn.
The Freshmen Year
Your student’s first year is going to be one of many ups and downs. Being aware of what your student may be going through will better enable you to help ease them into their college transition.
1 Early summer anticipation
This is when high school seniors graduate and begin to look forward to the future. They have feelings of sadness, accomplishment, and anticipation.
2 Midsummer anxiety
Now they begin to realize that they will soon be less connected to home, family, friends, and the security that each offers.
Differences Between High School and College
High School
• Teacher/Student Contact:
Teacher/student contact is closer and more frequent (5 days per week). Very little responsibility is placed on the student to attend class – they will attend class because they are already at school.
• Competition and Grades:
Academic competition is not as strong: good grades can be obtained with minimum effort.
• Status:
Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and community factors.
Family Reference Guide
The Family Reference Guide is design
Parent Information
Welcome Sterling College Family & Friends!
You and your family are entering an exciting time. It’s time to help your student plan for their future and make some important choices.
For students, choosing Sterling College is the first step along the path to success. SC is an excellent choice for any student who wants to be challenged academically and be prepared for today’s highly competitive workplace. It’s a perfect place for students to spread their wings, to grow spiritually, and get involved in campus activities.
Study Hall
The Office of Student Success is committed to providing an environment for students to be successful in their academics. Study Hall provides a structured study time to enable assignment completion under direct supervision. Study Hall requirements will be provided by the Academic Support Office as well as coaches/involvement directors. All students enrolled in Academic Success (GD104) will be required to attend weekly study hall in the library. Study Hall for athletic teams may be required by their coaches.
Student Life Services
The fundamental purpose of the Student Life Office is to support the mission of Sterling College by facilitating the holistic development of students and by advancing the needs of the student body.
The Student Life Office strives to:
Sterling College's Assessment Results from the Higher Learning Commission
For colleges, the official news that they have been approved for reaccreditation is much like the diplomas their students receive during graduation: the "piece of paper" stands for a lot of hard work.
But it also symbolizes progress and success, which is why, when Sterling College's President Dr. Paul J. Maurer announced last week that the College had received an official 10-year reaccreditation, he said, "This is a truly significant moment for Sterling College. Join me in giving thanks to God for his goodness."