There were two major requirements for art submitted to the Faith as Art: Art as Faith exhibition at Olivet Nazarene University: the artist had to follow the Christian faith and the art had to be digital. Sterling College Art Department Chair William Morse fits the first requirement, and he does quite a bit of work with digital compositions. Three of his submissions were accepted to the national juried exhibit, which runs from September 28 through October 25 in the Brandenburg Gallery at the Larsen Fine Art Center in Bourbonnais, Ill.
Houston, Tex. - Sterling College alumnus and former basketball player, Jason Finister, passed away on Thursday, July 29 in Houston, Texas at the age of 24.
Sterling College has had a greater-than-usual impact on the life and history of alumnus Christian Dashiell '02. His grandparents met at the College; as did his parents; as did Dashiell and his wife, Stacy. Recently Dashiell extended that influence to the day-to-day details of his life when he accepted the position of Director of Campus Ministries at the College.
The three Welch children-Elijah, 7; Faith, 6; and Grace, 3-attended Sterling College's graduation on May 15, 2010. They weren't there to support a cousin, an older sibling or a young aunt or uncle. They were there to watch as their parents, Josh and Amanda Welch, became the first married couple to graduate through e.Sterling, the College's online division.
Sterling College welcomed Travis Nguyen on July 1 as its new Information Technology (IT) Support Technician. He will work alongside Computer Technician Darrel Ames helping College employees with technical issues. "We are blessed to have Travis as an addition to our team," said Vice President of Innovation and Technology Dr. Ken Brown. "We are looking forward to the expanded offerings and capabilities within IT as he joins our staff."
The Sterling College mission trip to Ghana this summer will stretch the eight members of the team as they preach, witness and build relationships throughout the country. The team will have opportunities to speak in local churches, schools and even on the street, but team members will also serve in any other way they can.
For several years Sterling College Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Jonathan Conard has researched Kansas elk and white-tail deer with colleagues and students, and he and his colleagues recently shared the results of their work. A paper on the elk study was published in the journal "Restoration Ecology," and Conard, with his co-researcher Blecha, presented on the white-tail deer project at the 90th annual American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) meeting in Laramie, Wyo.
"Bip and the Bulb," a children's book written and designed by William Morse, chair of the Sterling College Art and Design Department, was part of the 2010 "Los Angeles Times" Festival of Books. More than 130,000 book lovers and media personnel attended the festival, which is held at the UCLA campus. This festival is the largest and most prestigious book festival in the United States.